Hey gang! So here’s what I’ve been cooking up… I was trying to figure out a way to generate a report of all (almost all) links within a SharePoint web application so that I could analyze them for potential broken links come a migration project. Details and the PowerShell script are below. Or you can download the script here.

In preps for a SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010 migration project, I wanted to do a prescan of all the links in the:

– Quick Launch
– Top/Global Navigation
– Links Lists

Why? Well, since we have an environment with a bajillion collaborative Site Collections, we all know it’s rare for an end-user to use relative links when manually creating links to things within the SharePoint sites. More often than not, absolute links will be used which could be quite a quandary in a migration situation in which URLs can change for any number of reasons. With this report, I could scan through it very quickly and notify site owners about links that may need to be updated in the future.

Solution Synopsis:
Loop through every SharePoint Site and Site Collection in a web application, every link in the Quick Launch menus of each site, every Top/Global Nav link of each site, and every Links list of each site. Take all that and dump into a spreadsheet. Visually scan spreadsheet for suspect links. This script will work with both publishing and non-publishing sites. *Have not tested on SharePoint 2010 environments.

*Modified script 5/23/2011 to also report all links starting with “http://” contained within the body of the default page for each SPWeb object. This is useful in case end-users manually put links into Content Editor Web Parts or Page Content Controls that link back to site content using absolute links. Thanks to the Hey, Scripting Guy! Blog for the inspiration.

Sample Output:

Click here for a sample output CSV.

PowerShell Script (feel free to leave constructive feedback if you see something that could be done differently/better!):

# This script will print out a list of all links in the Quick Launch, Links Lists, and default
# page for each SPWeb object to a text file located in the directory specified in the variables section.
# Author: Henry Ong
######################## Start Variables ########################
$siteURL = "http://alvhong2" #URL to any site in the web application.
$filePath = "C:\PowerShellScripts\Links.csv"
$PublishingFeatureGUID = "94c94ca6-b32f-4da9-a9e3-1f3d343d7ecb"
######################## End Variables ########################
if(Test-Path $filePath)
 Remove-Item $filePath

# Creates an object that represents an SPWeb's Title and URL
function CreateNewWebObject
 $linkObject = New-Object system.Object
 $linkObject | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name WebTitle -Value $web.Title
 $linkObject | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name WebURL -Value $web.URL

 return $linkObject
# Creates an object that represents the header links of the Quick Launch
function CreateNewLinkHeaderObject
 $linkObject = New-Object system.Object
 $linkObject | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name WebTitle -Value $prevWebTitle
 $linkObject | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name WebURL -Value $prevWebURL  
 $linkObject | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name QLHeaderTitle -Value $node.Title
 $linkObject | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name QLHeaderLink -Value $node.Url
 return $linkObject
# Creates an object that represents to the links in the Top Link bar
function CreateNewTopLinkObject
 $linkObject = New-Object system.Object
 $linkObject | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name WebTitle -Value $prevWebTitle
 $linkObject | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name WebURL -Value $prevWebURL  
 $linkObject | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name TopLinkTitle -Value $node.Title
 $linkObject | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name TopLinkURL -Value $node.Url
 $linkObject | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name TopNavLink -Value $true
 return $linkObject
# Creates an object that represents the links of in the Quick Launch (underneath the headers)
function CreateNewLinkChildObject
 $linkObject = New-Object system.Object
 $linkObject | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name WebTitle -Value $prevWebTitle
 $linkObject | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name WebURL -Value $prevWebURL
 $linkObject | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name QLHeaderTitle -Value $prevHeaderTitle
 $linkObject | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name QLHeaderLink -Value $prevHeaderLink
 $linkObject | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name QLChildLinkTitle -Value $childNode.Title
 $linkObject | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name QLChildLink -Value $childNode.URL
 return $linkObject
## Creates an object that represents items in a Links list.
function CreateNewLinkItemObject
 $linkObject = New-Object system.Object
 $linkObject | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name WebTitle -Value $prevWebTitle
 $linkObject | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name WebURL -Value $prevWebURL
 $linkObject | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name ListName -Value $list.Title

 $spFieldURLValue = New-Object microsoft.sharepoint.spfieldurlvalue($item["URL"])

 $linkObject | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name ItemTitle -Value $spFieldURLValue.Description
 $linkObject | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name ItemURL -Value $spFieldURLValue.Url
 return $linkObject
# Determines whether or not the passed in Feature is activated on the site or not.
function FeatureIsActivated
{param($FeatureID, $Web)
 return $web.Features[$FeatureID] -ne $null
# Creates an object that represents a link within the body of a content page.
function CreateNewPageContentLinkObject
 $linkObject = New-Object system.Object
 $linkObject | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name WebTitle -Value $prevWebTitle
 $linkObject | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name WebURL -Value $prevWebURL
 $linkObject | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name PageContentLink -Value $link

 return $linkObject
$wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$wc.UseDefaultCredentials = $true
$pattern = "(((f|ht){1}tp://)[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&//=]+)"
$site = new-object microsoft.sharepoint.spsite($siteURL)
$webApp = $site.webapplication
$allSites = $webApp.sites
$customLinkObjects =@()foreach
($site in $allSites)
 $allWebs = $site.AllWebs

 foreach ($web in $allWebs)
  ## If the web has the publishing feature turned OFF, use this method
  if((FeatureIsActivated $PublishingFeatureGUID $web) -ne $true)
   $quickLaunch = $web.Navigation.QuickLaunch
   $customLinkObject = CreateNewWebObject
   $customLinkObjects += $customLinkObject

   $prevWebTitle = $customLinkObject.WebTitle
   $prevWebURL = $customLinkObject.WebURL

   # First level of the Quick Launch (Headers)
   foreach ($node in $quickLaunch)
    $customLinkObject = CreateNewLinkHeaderObject

    $customLinkObjects += $customLinkObject

    $prevHeaderTitle = $node.Title
    $prevHeaderLink = $node.Url

    # Second level of the Quick Launch (Links)
    foreach ($childNode in $node.Children)
     $customLinkObject = CreateNewLinkChildObject

     $customLinkObjects += $customLinkObject

   # Get all the links in the Top Link bar
   $topLinks = $web.Navigation.TopNavigationBar
   foreach ($node in $topLinks)
    $customLinkObject = CreateNewTopLinkObject

    $customLinkObjects += $customLinkObject

    $prevHeaderTitle = $node.Title
    $prevHeaderLink = $node.Url    

  ## If the web has the publishing feature turned ON, use this method
   $publishingWeb = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingWeb]::GetPublishingWeb($web)
   $quickLaunch = $publishingWeb.CurrentNavigationNodes
   $customLinkObject = CreateNewWebObject
   $customLinkObjects += $customLinkObject

   $prevWebTitle = $customLinkObject.WebTitle
   $prevWebURL = $customLinkObject.WebURL

   # First level of the Quick Launch (Headers)
   foreach ($node in $quickLaunch)
    $customLinkObject = CreateNewLinkHeaderObject

    $customLinkObjects += $customLinkObject

    $prevHeaderTitle = $node.Title
    $prevHeaderLink = $node.Url

    # Second level of the Quick Launch (Links)
    foreach ($childNode in $node.Children)
     $customLinkObject = CreateNewLinkChildObject

     $customLinkObjects += $customLinkObject

   # Get all the links in the Top Link bar
   $topLinks = $web.Navigation.TopNavigationBar
   foreach ($node in $topLinks)
    $customLinkObject = CreateNewTopLinkObject

    $customLinkObjects += $customLinkObject

    $prevHeaderTitle = $node.Title
    $prevHeaderLink = $node.Url    


  #Looking for lists of type Links
  $lists = $web.Lists
  foreach ($list in $lists)
   if($list.BaseTemplate -eq "Links")
    $prevWebTitle = $customLinkObject.WebTitle
    $prevWebURL = $customLinkObject.WebURL

    # Going through all the links in a Links List
    foreach ($item in $list.Items)
     $customLinkObject = CreateNewLinkItemObject

     $customLinkObjects += $customLinkObject     

Write-Host $list.Title

  #Looking at the default page for each web for links embedded within the content areas
  $htmlContent = $wc.DownloadString($web.URL)
  $result = $htmlContent | Select-String -Pattern $pattern -AllMatches
  $links = $result.Matches | ForEach-Object {$_.Groups[1].Value}
  foreach ($link in $links)
   $customLinkObject = CreateNewPageContentLinkObject
   $customLinkObjects += $customLinkObject

Write-Host $web.Title
# Exporting the data to a CSV file
$customLinkObjects | Select-Object WebTitle,WebURL,TopNavLink,TopLinkTitle,TopLinkURL,QLHeaderTitle,QLHeaderLink,QLChildLinkTitle,QLChildLink,ListName,ItemTitle,ItemURL,PageContentLink | Export-Csv $filePath
write-host "Done"